Community Engagement & Activism

view of the pitzer free wall with cactus in the foreground

“Students practice positive disruption. The free wall on Mead Hall, which evolves and changes in relation to the campus community climate, is the most evocative example of this spirit.”

Elizabeth Affuso

Professor of Media Studies

#2 Most Politcally Active Students

“Princeton Review” Best Colleges 2024

Pitzer students are not mere spectators but are driving forces of change. Listed as one of the Top 5 best colleges for activists by Princeton Review, we take pride in nurturing critical engagement that goes beyond the classroom and into the realm of meaningful action.

Learn Through Action

At Pitzer, every student embarks on an inspiring path of service learning or community engagement before graduation. It's a transformative journey where 40+ hours of community service meld with personal growth and social responsibility.

With a top ranking in political activism from Princeton Review, Pitzer's not just talking the talk – we’re walking the walk towards making important changes in the world.

Get Involved

an aerial view of the Pitzer Student Garden and Free wall.

Community Engagement Center (CEC)

The CEC is a vibrant hub where over 400 students annually connect their academic passions to community-oriented experiences.

Explore the CEC
A group sits on the ground in a circle at CASA Pitzer

CASA Pitzer

The CASA Pitzer program facilitates student fellowships and community-based participatory action research with community partners. 

Explore CASA Pitzer

Pitzer Voices

portrait of Kiana Carlisle
"CEC opportunities on campus changed the course of my time here at Pitzer, and I am so grateful to be able to work in the department as part of the Social Media, Arts, and Communication pillar. I hope to give back what the CEC has given me through my time here.”

Kiana Carlisle '25

Media Studies major, Anthropology minor

5C Clubs & Organizations

The 5C Community Care (5CCC) is a collective dedicated to serving communities spanning Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties through services including volunteering at free clinics and educating our communities.


5C Environmental Justice's mission is to build up 5C students to be more effective environmental and climate justice organizers. The club participates in collective movements to transform the systems that exacerbate climate change.

The 5C Refugee Advocacy Network partners with local interfaith groups, community organizers, and the Islamic Center of Claremont to aid refugees in their transition to the Inland Empire area. The organization believes in sustainable community practices, with the majority of its efforts focused on running an English-language tutoring program.

The Claremont Student-Worker Alliance (CSWA) is a group of students working in thoughtful solidarity with organized labor fights at the 5Cs and throughout the Inland Empire.